Any material which authors wish to submit for evaluation and to the editorial staff must be delivered in its final version – complete with texts, tables and images, captions, and bibliographies – according to the following guidelines and rules.
Guidelines for presenting material:
There are two separate procedures for submitting material: for peer reviews, authors are requested to provide a complete document to be read by the reviewers; for editing, authors are requested to separate any tables, images, etc. from the text they submit.
Complete document (for peer reviews)
Authors can upload one PDF file for a maximum file size of 20 MB. This file must contain the entire piece to be published (with text, images, etc.), which has been written according to these publishing guidelines; however, there should be no references to the author’s identity, in order to allow for anonymity during the evaluation process.
Multiple materials (for the editorial staff)
Each file containing texts, tables, images, etc. (as well as any certificates, curriculum, etc.) must be uploaded separately. The preferred format allowed for text is DOCX, or DOC. For other materials, only compressed formats will be accepted: ZIP or RAR. Before compressing, images must be put in TIFF or EPS formats, with a minimum resolution of 300 ppi and a 100x150 mm format. The maximum size for each file is 50 MB, for a maximum total of 200 MB. For larger materials or data sets, authors are requested to contact the technical staff in advance, in order to agree on an alternative delivery procedure.
Authors are requested to name their files with their surname and to specify content type, consistent with the internal numbering in the text (for ex: “surname for peer review.pdf”; surname text.docx”, “surname table 1.docx”, “surname example 2.tiff”, “surname figure 3.tiff”).